Archive for the ‘Teams’ category
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class="post-2815 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-building-trust category-communication category-general category-leadership category-management category-supervising category-teams category-working-together tag-better-relationships tag-communication tag-giving-feedback tag-individuals tag-leadership tag-management tag-teams">
April 8th, 2016
Emotional Intelligence and you
Emotional intelligence (EI) is our ability to understand and manage emotions in ourselves and in others. EI is a major factor in your personal and professional perceptions and interactions and is now becoming a more preferred method for evaluating employee credentials than simply looking at their IQ.
» Read more: Emotional Intelligence and what it can mean for you
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class="post-2228 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-general category-leadership category-management category-teams tag-celebrate tag-communication tag-contingencies tag-goal-setting tag-leadership tag-management tag-performance-management tag-planning tag-success tag-team-meetings tag-teams tag-working-together-better">
October 4th, 2013
This second of two blog entries about some leadership lessons that I drew from a trip across America via Route 66 earlier this year.
If you missed the first instalment you can catch-up with it here.
We we’re lucky enough to travel the whole Route from Chicago, Illinois to Los Angeles, California. It had been an ambition for a while and we wanted to do it the proper way, on a Harley Davidson motorcycle. We made the trip as part of a group in an organised tour run by Eaglerider in the USA.
So how did I draw Leadership lessons out of this experience you may well ask? Well, being a management trainer and coach I try to look for learning in everything that I do and everywhere that I go. Our Route 66 experience was literally ‘littered’ with them, from the people that have helped the Route to survive and prosper, and the people who fought and in some cases continue to fight to have their town, city or attraction listed as a Route 66 Historic monument. However it is our guides and support teams on our journey that I want to focus on today for they were truly inspirational. So what did I learn?
» Read more: Leadership Lessons from Route 66 (Pt 2)
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class="post-2204 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-general category-leadership category-management category-teams category-working-together tag-celebrate tag-experience tag-knowledge tag-leadership tag-management tag-objectives tag-performance tag-planning tag-praise tag-skills tag-success tag-team-briefings tag-team-meetings tag-teams tag-working-together-better">
September 27th, 2013

This blog entry is based around some leadership lessons that I drew from a trip across America via Route 66 earlier this year. We travelled the whole Route from Chicago, Illinois to Los Angeles, California. It had been an ambition for a while and we wanted to do it the proper way, on a Harley Davidson motorcycle. We made the trip as part of a group in an organised tour run by Eaglerider in the USA.
This is a two part blog with 5 Leadership lessons in each one. The second one can be found here.
» Read more: Leadership Lessons from Route 66 (Pt. 1)
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class="post-2150 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-change category-coaching category-general category-leadership category-management category-organisational-change category-performance-management category-teams tag-coaching tag-development tag-executive-coaching tag-future-leaders tag-leadership tag-learning tag-management tag-organisational-change">
July 3rd, 2013

Over the last few years executive coaching has enjoyed growing popularity in the world of staff development. It’s no-longer viewed as solely the domain of senior management or simply for staff requiring remedial development (“to get them back on-track”). It is becoming regarded as an essential tool for developing both existing managers and new ‘high potential’ staff alike.
However, despite this growing popularity, many common misconceptions still exist. These mainly revolve around the nature of the work that executive coaches do and the results they’re expected to achieve.
» Read more: Executive coaching: Common Misconceptions
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class="post-1717 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-change category-coaching category-communication category-general category-giving-feedback category-handling-the-new category-leadership category-management category-meeting-skills category-performance-management category-teams category-time-management tag-communication tag-leadership tag-management tag-management-tips tag-managing-time tag-meetings tag-new-post tag-team-meetings tag-teams tag-time-management-tips">
April 8th, 2013
Further to our earlier posting 20 Tips for Managing Time, Here are 20 more tips to help you be more effective in the way that you plan you day, week, month year.
TiMe Management is one of those topics that we can all find difficult to address at times. Am I perfect at managing my time or planning my day, no I’m not, but I do use the tools and tips below to help plan my day and manage my time more effectively. The key to changing most behaviour is awareness, so be aware of when you’re not effectively using your time, and then do something about it!
So to help you, pure and simple here is a list of 20 tips for managing time and setting yourself up for a productive day.
» Read more: 20 more tips for Time Management
Posted in Change, Coaching, Communication, General, Giving Feedback, Handling the new, Leadership, Management, Meeting Skills, Performance Management, Teams, Time Management
Tags: Communication Leadership Management Management tips Managing time Meetings New Post Team Meetings Teams Time Management Tips
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class="post-1171 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-communication category-general category-leadership category-management category-meeting-skills category-team-building category-teams category-time-management tag-attending-meetings tag-chairing-meetings tag-meetings tag-new-post tag-objectives tag-organising tag-organising-meetings tag-planning tag-planning-meetings tag-purpose tag-working-together-better">
March 27th, 2013
Do you regularly plan, organise or lead meetings either with your team or clients? Do you want a way of leading meetings effectively?
If so, below you will find some top tips for leading meetings effectively to ensure that you are getting the maximum value from everyone that is present. After all, meetings are an expensive use of everyone’s time, so make them effective, make them work for you and your team.
» Read more: Leading Meetings Effectively
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class="post-1708 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-change category-coaching category-communication category-general category-giving-feedback category-handling-the-new category-leadership category-management category-supervising category-teams category-time-management tag-email-communication tag-leadership tag-management tag-management-tips tag-new-post tag-team-meetings tag-teams tag-time-management tag-time-management-tips">
March 20th, 2013
Time Management or as I prefer to call it TiMe Management is one of those topics that we can all find difficult to address at times. Am I perfect at managing my time or planning my day, no I’m not, but I do use the tools and tips below to help plan my day and manage my time more effectively. The key to changing most behaviour is awareness, so be aware of when you’re not effectively using your time, and then do something about it!
So to help you, pure and simple here is a list of 20 tips for managing time and setting yourself up for a productive day.
» Read more: 20 Tips for Time Management
Posted in Change, Coaching, Communication, General, Giving Feedback, Handling the new, Leadership, Management, Supervising, Teams, Time Management
Tags: Email communication Leadership Management Management tips New Post Team Meetings Teams Time Management Time Management Tips
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class="post-1150 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-communication category-general category-leadership category-management category-meeting-skills category-teams tag-attending-meetings tag-chairing-meetings tag-change tag-meetings tag-new-post tag-organising tag-organising-meetings tag-planning tag-planning-meetings tag-purpose tag-working-together-better">
March 11th, 2013

Essential Meeting Skills
How frustrating is it when your meetings don’t run to time?
How frustrating is it when you receive an invitation to a meeting and it’s not clear what will be discussed or the purpose of the meeting is not clear?
Well, if you use three little letters when planning a meeting or asking questions about the meeting you will be able to gain this much needed clarity.
The three letters are P P O and they stand for;
» Read more: Planning a meeting – Use PPO!
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class="post-1141 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-change category-communication category-general category-giving-feedback category-handling-the-new category-leadership category-management category-meeting-skills category-performance-management category-supervising category-teams category-working-together tag-assertive-communication tag-assertiveness tag-change tag-communication tag-feedback tag-giving-feedback tag-leadership tag-management tag-management-tips tag-managing-time tag-meetings tag-new-post tag-saying-no tag-teams tag-time-management-strategies tag-top-tips tag-working-together-better">
November 28th, 2012
Do you struggle to say no to requests for your time?
Do you drop whatever you’re doing to help others despite having deadlines?
If the answer to the two questions above was yes, then you will probably benefit from these approaches for saying No more effectively.
» Read more: Being Assertive: Approaches for saying No….
Posted in Change, Communication, General, Giving Feedback, Handling the new, Leadership, Management, Meeting Skills, Performance Management, Supervising, Teams, Working together
Tags: Assertive Communication Assertiveness Change Communication feedback Giving Feedback Leadership Management Management tips Managing time Meetings New Post Saying No! Teams Time Management Strategies Top tips Working Together Better
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class="post-1124 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-change category-coaching category-communication category-feedback-2 category-general category-giving-feedback category-leadership category-management category-supervising category-team-building category-teams category-working-together tag-change tag-coaching tag-communication tag-leadership tag-management tag-management-tips tag-new-post tag-performance tag-success tag-teams tag-working-together-better">
October 4th, 2012

I saw the photo and story below shared by a friend on Facebook a couple of months ago and thought that it was such a brilliant way of getting the message across about the damage that we can cause our fellow human-beings when we bully someone. It is so simple and effective that I want to share it with you here.
» Read more: Bullying – A lesson for us all?
Posted in Change, Coaching, Communication, Feedback, General, Giving Feedback, Leadership, Management, Supervising, Team Building, Teams, Working together
Tags: Change Coaching Communication Leadership Management Management tips New Post performance Success Teams Working Together Better