Posts Tagged ‘Management tips’

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20 more tips for Time Management

April 8th, 2013

TimeFurther to our earlier posting 20 Tips for Managing Time, Here are 20 more tips to help you be more effective in the way that you plan you day, week, month year.


TiMe Management is one of those topics that we can all find difficult to address at times. Am I perfect at managing my time or planning my day, no I’m not, but I do use the tools and tips below to help plan my day and manage my time more effectively. The key to changing most behaviour is awareness, so be aware of when you’re not effectively using your time, and then do something about it!


So to help you, pure and simple here is a list of 20 tips for managing time and setting yourself up for a productive day.


» Read more: 20 more tips for Time Management

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20 Tips for Time Management

March 20th, 2013

timeTime Management or as I prefer to call it TiMe Management is one of those topics that we can all find difficult to address at times. Am I perfect at managing my time or planning my day, no I’m not, but I do use the tools and tips below to help plan my day and manage my time more effectively. The key to changing most behaviour is awareness, so be aware of when you’re not effectively using your time, and then do something about it!


So to help you, pure and simple here is a list of 20 tips for managing time and setting yourself up for a productive day.


» Read more: 20 Tips for Time Management

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Being Assertive: Approaches for saying No….

November 28th, 2012

Do you struggle to say no to requests for your time?

Do you drop whatever you’re doing to help others despite having deadlines?


If the answer to the two questions above was yes, then you will probably benefit from these approaches for saying No more effectively.

» Read more: Being Assertive: Approaches for saying No….

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Bullying – A lesson for us all?

October 4th, 2012

I saw the photo and story below shared by a friend on Facebook a couple of months ago and thought that it was such a brilliant way of getting the message across about the damage that we can cause our fellow human-beings when we bully someone. It is so simple and effective that I want to share it with you here.

» Read more: Bullying – A lesson for us all?

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class="post-1102 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-communication category-general category-leadership category-management category-meeting-skills category-performance-management category-presenting tag-communication tag-future-leaders tag-management tag-management-tips tag-presentation tag-presentation-skills tag-public-speaking tag-speaking">

Powerful Presentation Delivery Tips #1

October 2nd, 2012

Do you enjoy giving presentations or doing 60 second introductions at networking events? If your response is no, you’re not alone!

» Read more: Powerful Presentation Delivery Tips #1

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Performance Management – The impact of not addressing issues

March 29th, 2011

PM - The impact of not addressing issues




In a previous blog entry (Performance Management – Managers need to be role models) I discussed the significance and importance of Performance Management in a team or organisation and, in particular, looking at the role of the leader or manager in doing so. But what are the consequences of not addressing performance issues that arise, how might this lack of action impact on the other team members or individuals around them? How might it begin to impact on the team, the company and your customers for example? Here are some ideas to consider;

   » Read more: Performance Management – The impact of not addressing issues

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Top Tips for managing change and transition

January 21st, 2011

Here is a list of top tips to help you when managing change and transition either in your personal life or your professional life;

» Read more: Top Tips for managing change and transition

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Business Email Communication Tips

January 19th, 2011

As many of us use email on a very regular basis for our business I thought that it might be useful to provide some Business Email Communication tips to consider when writing them.

So….. here is a simple way to make sure that when you’re writing emails to anyone that it has the IMPACT that you want it to have;

» Read more: Business Email Communication Tips