Planning a meeting – Use PPO!

March 11th, 2013 by Martin Smith Leave a reply »

Essential Meeting Skills

How frustrating is it when your meetings don’t run to time?

How frustrating is it when you receive an invitation to a meeting and it’s not clear what will be discussed or the purpose of the meeting is not clear?

Well, if you use three little letters when planning a meeting or asking questions about the meeting you will be able to gain this much needed clarity.


The three letters are P P O and they stand for;

   Purpose,    Process    and Outcomes


In my view, when planning a meeting it should have a published PPO or POP as it is sometimes referred to. Publishing a PPO will ensure that everyone is clear about the Purpose  or reason for the meeting. It will also ensure that all attendees as well as yourself are aware of the Process (es)  that will be in place to ensure that you achieve the intended Outcomes of the meeting.


If you regularly plan or attend meetings


  • Why are we meeting?
  • What is the business context?
  • What larger business objective is this meeting apart of?
  • What type of meeting is this – Briefing, Problem Solving or Motivational?



  • How will we make sure the meeting delivers its outcomes?
  • Who is the meeting leader? Who will keep time? Who will take notes?
  • What is the best order for the agenda?
  • How long is each agenda item likely to take?
  • Who will take the lead for each agenda item?
  • What are the arrangements for remote communication?



  • What must we achieve by the end of this meeting?
  • What tangible deliverables are we expecting at the end?
  • What decisions or agreements need confirming in the meeting?


How do you keep your meetings on track? Would PPO work for you?


Meeting Skills is one of a number of Management Skills development programmes that we can design/run specifically for your company. Give us a call on 07702 110676 or email us on; [email protected] to find out more.


Martin Smith Learning and Development Ltd is a specialist consultancy working with leaders at all levels to improve their relationships with the people that they interact with both internally and externally to the company. We work with organisations, teams and individuals to identify how they can get the best from their people. We have experience spanning diverse industries and encompassing sectors such as engineering, design, customer service, finance, supply chain, sales and procurement.

To discuss how Martin Smith Learning and Development Ltd can help you and your business please contact us;

Phone; 07702110676,        Email; [email protected]         Web;


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