Posts Tagged ‘Attending Meetings’
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class="post-1171 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-communication category-general category-leadership category-management category-meeting-skills category-team-building category-teams category-time-management tag-attending-meetings tag-chairing-meetings tag-meetings tag-new-post tag-objectives tag-organising tag-organising-meetings tag-planning tag-planning-meetings tag-purpose tag-working-together-better">
March 27th, 2013
Do you regularly plan, organise or lead meetings either with your team or clients? Do you want a way of leading meetings effectively?
If so, below you will find some top tips for leading meetings effectively to ensure that you are getting the maximum value from everyone that is present. After all, meetings are an expensive use of everyone’s time, so make them effective, make them work for you and your team.
» Read more: Leading Meetings Effectively
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class="post-1150 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-communication category-general category-leadership category-management category-meeting-skills category-teams tag-attending-meetings tag-chairing-meetings tag-change tag-meetings tag-new-post tag-organising tag-organising-meetings tag-planning tag-planning-meetings tag-purpose tag-working-together-better">
March 11th, 2013

Essential Meeting Skills
How frustrating is it when your meetings don’t run to time?
How frustrating is it when you receive an invitation to a meeting and it’s not clear what will be discussed or the purpose of the meeting is not clear?
Well, if you use three little letters when planning a meeting or asking questions about the meeting you will be able to gain this much needed clarity.
The three letters are P P O and they stand for;
» Read more: Planning a meeting – Use PPO!
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class="post-598 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-communication category-leadership category-management category-meeting-skills category-supervising category-teams category-working-together tag-attending-meetings tag-chairing-meetings tag-communication tag-management tag-meetings tag-teams tag-working-together-better">
July 23rd, 2010
Meetings seem to always be a hot topic of conversation on the web with quite a few comments on Twitter and other platforms about how dire they are etc. All this chatter got me thinking about some of the meetings that I had been in that had been well run and then some of the meetings that had ‘lost there way’ and not been very successful at all. Meetings are expensive and time consuming, yet we don’t often think about how much meetings are actually costing our businesses. How often have you stopped to think about the actual value that your meetings create? Of even if they were actually necessary in the first place. That then led me to start thinking about how we could be Evaluating Meetings from now on?
» Read more: Evaluating Meetings – Meeting Nightmares!