Hi, I’m Martin Smith from Martin Smith Learning and Development Ltd (@trainlearnlead on Twitter) – Welcome to my blog.
Blogging is a new adventure for me so I’ll be learning as I go along which is good as that is one of my philosophies of life. I hope that you will come along and enjoy the journey with me, for however long you can stay.
This blog is dedicated to helping individuals, teams and organizations to get the best out their relationships and their people, encouraging a learning approach to life and business. Although most of our work is focused in the business/working environments, many of the subjects and skills that I will explore are transferable to other parts of your life.
I’ll be writing here about things that we’re passionate about, things that capture our attention, things that interest us and that we believe will interest you, our audience. I’d like to this space to be somewhere that we can stimulate discussion on how, by changing behaviour, we can transform our professional development and help us and our companies to achieve our goals be they professional or personal.
Enjoy. I hope you find something of interest here. Feel free to let us know if there is anything specific that you want to discuss.
P.S. If you would like to know a little bit more about me……..
I would say that the easiest way would be to look at my bio or have a look at What we can do for you. Alternatively you are welcome to contact me direct, I’m quite approachable and haven’t bitten yet!
Martin Smith Learning and Development Ltd is a specialist consultancy working with leaders at all levels to improve their relationships with the people that they interact with both internally and externally to the company. We work with organisations, teams and individuals to identify how they can get the best from their people. We have experience spanning diverse industries and encompassing sectors such as engineering, design, customer service, finance, supply chain, sales and procurement.
To discuss how Martin Smith Learning and Development Ltd can help you and your business please contact us;
Phone; 07702110676, Email; [email protected] Web; www.martin-smith.biz