Posts Tagged ‘engagement’

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class="post-2798 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-building-trust category-business-development category-communication category-general category-leadership category-networking category-presenting tag-acceptance tag-business-development tag-communication tag-effective tag-engagement tag-listening tag-networking tag-people tag-persona tag-top-tips tag-trust">

The art of Networking – connecting with people

May 11th, 2016

NetworkingNetworking is mostly about connecting with people and building effective relationships with them and since any business is reliant on connecting with people, even on-line businesses, this is a crucial subject for any entrepreneur and business owner to focus on.

If you’re short on time to read the full article, here’s some tips to help you get the most out of your next networking opportunity;

» Read more: The art of Networking – connecting with people

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class="post-795 post type-post status-publish format-standard hentry category-change category-communication category-general category-leadership category-management tag-change tag-coaching tag-engagement tag-leadership tag-management tag-new-post tag-organisational-change tag-performance-management">

What are the 5 Most Powerful things you do to engage someone to make a change?

March 3rd, 2011

I posted the following list in a discussion forum on LinkedIn.

The original question was;

What are the 5 most powerful things you do to engage someone to make a change?


» Read more: What are the 5 Most Powerful things you do to engage someone to make a change?